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Arend Lijphart obtient son doctorat de sciences politiques à l’université de Yale en 1963. Il enseigne plusieurs années à l’Université de Berkeley en Californie, avant de devenir chercheur et professeur émérite à l’Université de San Diego, toujours en Californie1.
Son travail est reconnu à l’échelle internationale, et il obtient plusieurs prix, dont le prestigieux prix Johan Skytte en science politique en 19972. En 2010, il reçoit le Constantine Panunzio Distinguished Emeritus Award3.
Il fut également membre de l’American Academy of Arts en Sciences en 1989, et président de l’American Political Science Association en 1995 et 19964.
Thèses principales
Arend Lijphart introduit sa théorie principale, le consociationalisme, dans son premier ouvrage majeur, The Politics of Accommodation: Pluralism and Democracy in the Netherlands (1968), une étude du système politique néerlandais, et la développe dans Democracy in Plural Societies: A Comparative Exploration (1977). Il définit le consociationalisme comme la manière dont des démocraties particulièrement divisées au niveau ethnique, religieux, politique, parviennent à maintenir une certaine stabilité par le partage du pouvoir.
“The two principal and complementary characteristics of consociational democracy are grand coalition and segmented autonomy: shared decision making by representatives of all significant segments with regard to matters of common concern and autonomous decision making by and for each separate segment on all other issues. Two additional characteristics are proportionality in political representation, civil service appointments, and the allocation of public funds, and the minority veto for the protection of vital minority interests. A possible variant of strict proportionality is deliberate minority over-representation. In all four respects, consociational democracy contrasts sharply with majority rule democracy” {Oxford Companion to Politics of the World 1993, 188-89).
(Cité dans Gourevitch P, Jacobson G. Arend Lijphart, A Profile. PS: Political Science & Politics. 1995;28(4):751-754. doi:10.1017/S10490965000591025)
Le chercheur est également un théoricien majeur de la méthode de comparaison internationale des systèmes politiques. Dans son ouvrage paru en 1999, Patterns of Democracy – Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-Six Countries, il classe trente-six démocraties à travers le monde selon les critères suivants :
- Le système partisan ;
- Le pouvoir exécutif ;
- Les cabinets ;
- Le système électoral ;
- Les groupes d’intérêts ;
- La décentralisation ;
- La division du pouvoir législatif ;
- Les constitutions ;
- Le pouvoir judiciaire ;
- Les banques centrales.
Il différencie ainsi deux types de systèmes : les démocraties majoritaires et les démocraties de consensus. Les premières concentrent le pouvoir dans les mains d’une petite majorité, tandis que les secondes sont plurielles et inclusives.
“Dix différences spécifiques relatives aux institutions et aux règles démocratiques les plus fondamentales peuvent être déduites des principes majoritaires et de consensus. Cinq différences ont trait à la configuration du pouvoir exécutif, les systèmes électoraux et de partis, ainsi qu’aux groupes d’intérêt. La démocratie majoritaire est caractérisée par des gouvernements mono-partisans majoritaires, des exécutifs dominants, des systèmes bipartites, des systèmes électoraux majoritaires et des systèmes de groupes d’intérêt pluralistes. La démocratie de consensus possède des caractéristiques opposées : des gouvernements de coalition multipartites, un équilibre entre pouvoirs exécutif et législatif, le multipartisme, la représentation proportionnelle et des systèmes de groupes d’intérêts corporatistes.
La seconde série de cinq différences est communément associée à la façon dont divergent fédéralisme et gouvernement unitaire. La démocratie majoritaire unitaire est caractérisée par un gouvernement unitaire et centralisé, une concentration du pouvoir par un système unicaméral, des constitutions flexibles qui peuvent être modifiées à la majorité simple, une absence de contrôle de constitutionnalité, et des banques centrales dépendantes de l’exécutif. La démocratie de consensus-fédérale présente des caractéristiques opposées : un gouvernement fédéral et décentralisé, une division du pouvoir législatif entre deux chambres au pouvoir égal, mais composées différemment, des constitutions rigides qui peuvent seulement être modifiées par des majorités qualifiées, un contrôle de constitutionnalité par des cours suprêmes ou constitutionnelles et des banques centrales indépendantes.”
(“La négociation dans les démocraties majoritaires et de consensus”, Négociations, 20146)
La combinaison du consociationalisme et de l’étude comparée des systèmes démocratiques le pousse à considérer que les démocraties de consensus sont les plus performantes. Il les définit comme plus “gentilles”, tournées vers la justice sociale7.
Au sujet du référendum, Arend Lijphart souligne qu’il peut à la fois servir la recherche du consensus et “(inciter) la majorité à être attentive aux opinions minoritaires”. Mais c’est un outil trop souvent détourné au profit d’intérêts particuliers, comme en Californie. Il soutient néanmoins les référendums tels que pratiqués en Suisse et en Uruguay8.
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- The Trauma of Decolonization: The Dutch and West New Guinea, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1966.
- The Politics of Accommodation: Pluralism and Democracy in the Netherlands, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1968; 2nd ed., 1975.
- Verzuiling, pacificatie en kentering in de Nederlandse politiek, Amsterdam, De Bussy, 1968
- Democracy in Plural Societies: A Comparative Exploration, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1977
- avec des membres de la Commission Buthelezi, The Requirements for Stability and Development in KwaZulu and Natal, Durban, H and H Publications, 1982
- Democracies: Patterns of Majoritarian and Consensus Government in Twenty-One Countries, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1984
- Power-Sharing in South Africa, Policy Papers in International Affairs, No. 24, Berkeley, Institute of International Studies, University of California, 1985
- avec Thomas C. Bruneau, P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, et Richard Gunther, traduction espagnole par Elena de Grau, Las democracias contemporáneas: Un estudio comparativo, Barcelona, Editorial Ariel, 1987
- Electoral Systems and Party Systems: A Study of Twenty-Seven Democracies, 1945-1990, Comparative European Politics Series, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1994
- Patterns of Democracy: Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-Six Countries, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1999
- Thinking about Democracy: Power-Sharing and Majority Rule in Theory and Practice, London, Routledge, 2008
- Patterns of Democracy: Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-Six Countries, seconde édition améliorée, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2012
- avec Steven L. Taylor, Matthew S. Shugart, et Bernard Grofman, A Different Democracy: American Government in a Thirty-One-Country Perspective, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2014.
- “Verzuiling,” dans Andries Hoogerwerf, Verkenningen in de politiek, 1971
- “The Future of Democracy: Trends in the West European Countries”, dans Referat 1971 (Pretoria, DASUP, 1971)
- “The Netherlands: Continuity and Change in Voting Behavior,” dans Richard Rose, Electoral Behavior: A Comparative Handbook (New York, Free Press, 1974)
- “Political Theories and the Explanation of Ethnic Conflict in the Western World: Falsified Predictions and Plausible Postdictions,” dans Milton J. Esman, Ethnic Conflict in the Western World (Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University Press, 1977)
- “Federal, Confederal, and Consociational Options for the South African Plural Society,” dans Robert I. Rotberg et John Barratt, Conflict and Compromise in South Africa (Lexington, Mass., Lexington Books, 1980)
- “The Structure of Inference,” dans Gabriel A. Almond et Sidney Verba, The Civic Culture Revisited (Boston, Little, Brown, 1980)
- “Preface: Minority Rights, Autonomy and Power-Sharing,” dans Georgina Ashworth, World Minorities in the Eighties (Sunbury, Quartermaine House, 1980)
- “Language, Religion, Class and Party Choice: Belgium, Canada, Switzerland and South Africa Compared,” dans Richard Rose, Electoral Participation: A Comparative Analysis (London, Sage, 1980)
- “Karl W. Deutsch and the New Paradigm in International Relations,” dans Richard L. Merritt et Bruce M. Russett, From National Development to Global Community: Essays in Honor of Karl W. Deutsch (London, Allen and Unwin, 1981)
- “Political Parties: Ideologies and Programs,” dans David Butler, Howard R. Penniman, et Austin Ranney, Democracy at the Polls: A Comparative Study of Competitive National Elections (Washington, D.C., American Enterprise Institute, 1981)
- “De theorie van de pacificatie-democratie,” dans J. J. A. Thomassen, Democratie: Theorie en praktijk (Alphen aan den Rijn, Samsom, 1981)
- “Consociation: The Model and Its Applications in Divided Societies,” dans Desmond Rea, Political Co-operation in Divided Societies: A Series of Papers Relevant to the Conflict in Northern Ireland (Dublin, Gill and McMillan, 1982)
- “Governing Natal-KwaZulu: Some Suggestions,” dans Buthelezi Commission, The Requirements for Stability and Development in KwaZulu and Natal (Durban, H and H Publications, 1982).
- “Os modelos majoritário e consociacional da democracia: Contrastes e ilustraçôes,” dans Bolivar Lamounier, A ciência política nos anos 80 (Brasília: Editora Universidade de Brasília, 1982)
- “University ‘Democracy’ and the Decline of Academic Standards in the Netherlands,” dans John Chapman, The Western University on Trial (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983)
- “Trying to Have the Best of Both Worlds: Semi-Proportional and Mixed Systems,” dans Arend Lijphart et Bernard Grofman, Choosing an Electoral System: Issues and Alternatives (New York, Praeger, 1984)
- “Political Parties,” dans Adam Kuper et Jessica Kuper, The Social Science Encyclopedia (London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1985)
- “Proportionality by Non-PR Methods: Ethnic Representation in Belgium, Cyprus, Lebanon, New Zealand, West Germany, and Zimbabwe,” dans Bernard Grofman et Arend Lijphart, Electoral Laws and Their Political Consequences (New York, Agathon Press, 1986)
- avec Rafael López Pintor et Yasunori Sone, “The Limited Vote and the Single Nontransferable Vote: Lessons from the Japanese and Spanish Examples”, dans Bernard Grofman et Arend Lijphart, Electoral Laws and Their Political Consequences (New York, Agathon Press, 1986)
- “Degrees of Proportionality of Proportional Representation Formulas,” dans Bernard Grofman et Arend Lijphart, Electoral Laws and Their Political Consequences (New York, Agathon Press, 1986)
- “Consociational Democracy: The Examples of Belgium and the Netherlands,” dans Theodor Hanf, Antoine N. Messarra, et Hinrich R. Reinstrom, La société de concordance: Approche comparative (Beirut, Librairie Orientale, 1986)
- “Bicameralism: Canadian Senate Reform in Comparative Perspective,” dans Herman Bakvis et William M. Chandler, Federalism and the Role of the State (Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1987)
- “Communal Representation,” dans Vernon Bogdanor, The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Political Institutions (Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1987)
- “Consociational Democracy,” dans Vernon Bogdanor, The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Political Institutions (Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1987)
- “Pillarization,” dans Vernon Bogdanor, The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Political Institutions (Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1987)
- “The Ethnic Factor and Democratic Constitution-Making in South Africa,” dans Edmond J. Keller et Louis A. Picard, South Africa in Southern Africa: Domestic Change and International Conflict (Boulder, Colorado, Lynne Rienner, 1989)
- “The Power-Sharing Approach,” dans Joseph V. Montville, Conflict and Peacemaking in Multiethnic Societies (Lexington, Mass., Lexington Books, 1990)
- “The Cleavage Model and Electoral Geography: A Review,” dans R. J. Johnston, F. M. Shelley, et P. J. Taylor, Developments in Electoral Geography (London, Routledge, 1990)
- “Foreword: One Basic Problem, Many Theoretical Options—And a Practical Solution?”, dans John McGarry et Brendan O’Leary, The Future of Northern Ireland (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990)
- “Size, Pluralism, and the Westminster Model of Democracy: Implications for the Eastern Caribbean,” dans Jorge Heine, A Revolution Aborted: The Lessons of Grenada (Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1990)
- avec Hendrik Spruyt, “Maatschappelijke voorwaarden voor democratische stelsels”, dans J. J. A. Thomassen, Hedendaagse democratie (Alphen aan den Rijn, Samsom H. D. Tjeenk Willink, 1991)
- “Self-Determination Versus Pre-Determination of Ethnic Minorities in Power-Sharing Systems,” dans David Schneiderman, Language and the State: The Law and Politics of Identity (Cowansville, Quebec, Éditions Yvon Blais, 1991)
- “Foreword: ‘Cameral Change’ and Institutional Conservatism,” dans Lawrence D. Longley et David M. Olson, Two Into One: The Politics and Processes of National Legislative Cameral Change (Boulder, Colorado, Westview Press, 1991)
- “Presidentialism and Majoritarian Democracy: Theoretical Observations,” dans György Szoboszlai, Democracy and Political Transformation: Theories and East-Central European Realities (Budapest, Hungarian Political Science Association, 1991)
- “Verzuiling en pacificatie als empirische en normatieve modellen in vergelijkend perspectief,” dans Uitreiking van de Dr. Hendrik Muller-Prijs voor Gedrags- en Maatschappijwetenschappen (Amsterdam, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, 1992)
- “Forms of Democracy: North-South and East-West Contrasts,” dans Wolfgang Reinhard and Peter Waldmann, Nord und Süd in Amerika: Gegensätze, Gemeinsamkeiten, Europäischer Hintergrund (Freiburg, Rombach, 1992)
- “The Electoral Systems Researcher as Detective: Probing Rae’s Suspect ‘Differential Proposition’ on List Proportional Representation,” dans Dennis Kavanagh, Electoral Politics (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1992),
- avec Ronald Rogowski and R. Kent Weaver, “Separation of Powers and Cleavage Management”, dans R. Kent Weaver et Bert Rockman, Do Institutions Matter? Government Capabilities in the United States and Abroad (Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution, 1993)
- “Consociational Democracy,” dans Joel Krieger, The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World (New York, Oxford University Press, 1993)
- “Israeli Democracy and Democratic Reform in Comparative Perspective,” dans Ehud Sprinzak and Larry Diamond, Israeli Democracy Under Stress (Boulder, Colorado, Lynne Rienner, 1993)
- “Downsian Logic and the Comparative Study of Party Systems,” dans Bernard Grofman, Information, Participation and Choice: An Economic Theory of Democracy in Perspective (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1993)
- “Prospects for Power-Sharing in the New South Africa,” dans Andrew Reynolds, Election ‘94 South Africa: The Campaigns, Results and Future Prospects (London, James Currey, 1994)
- “Civic Politics and Democratic Institutions: A Plea for the (Re-)Introduction of Compulsory Voting,”dans M. L. J. Wissenburg, Civic Politics and Civil Society: Proceedings (Nijmegen, Department of Political Science, University of Nijmegen, 1995)
- “The Virtues of Parliamentarism: But Which Kind of Parliamentarism?”, dans H. E. Chehabi et Alfred Stepan, Politics, Society, and Democracy: Comparative Studies (Boulder, Colorado, Westview Press, 1995)
- “Electoral Systems,” dans Seymour Martin Lipset et al., The Encyclopedia of Democracy, Vol.2 (Washington, D.C., Congressional Quarterly, 1995)
- “Proportional Representation,” dans Seymour Martin Lipset et al., The Encyclopedia of Democracy Vol.3 (Washington, D.C., Congressional Quarterly, 1995)
- “Multiethnic Democracy,” dans Seymour Martin Lipset et al., The Encyclopedia of Democracy Vol.3 (Washington, D.C., Congressional Quarterly, 1995)
- “The South African Electoral System: Unusual Features and Prospects for Reform,” dans Robert Richie, Voting and Democracy Report 1995 (Washington, D.C., Center for Voting and Democracy, 1995),
- “Prefacio a la edición española,” dans Arend Lijphart, Sistemas electorales y sistemas de partidos:Un estudio de veintisiete democracies, 1945-1990 (Madrid, Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 1995)
- “About Peripheries, Centres, and Other Autobiographical Reflections,” dans Hans Daalder, Comparative European Politics: The Story of a Profession (London, Cassell, 1997)
- “Back to Democratic Basics: Who Really Practices Majority Rule?”, dans Axel Hadenius, Democracy’s Victory and Crisis: Nobel Symposium No. 93 (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1997)
- “Predislovie k russkomu izdaniiu knigi (Preface to the Russian Edition of the Book),” dans Arend Lijphart, Demokratiia v mnogosotavnykh obshchestvakh: Sravnitel’noe issledovanie (Moscow, Aspekt Press, 1997),
- avec Peter J. Bowman, “Types of Democracy and Generosity with Foreign Aid: An Indirect Test of the Democratic Peace Proposition”, dans Erik Beukel, Kurt Klaudi Klausen, et Poul Erik Mouritzen, Elites, Parties and Democracy: Festschrift for Professor Mogens N. Pedersen (Odense, Odense University Press, 1999)
- “SNTV and STV Compared: Their Political Consequences in Japan, Ireland, and Malta,” dans Bernard Grofman, Sung-Chull Lee, Edwin A. Winckler, et Brian Woodall, Elections in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan under the Single Non-Transferable Vote: The Comparative Study of an Embedded Institution (Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1999)
- “Varieties of Non-Majoritarian Democracy,” dans Markus M. L. Crepaz, Thomas A. Koelble, et David Wilsford, Democracy and Institutions: The Life Work of Arend Lijphart (Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2000)
- “Apparentement,” dans Richard Rose et al., International Encyclopedia of Elections (Washington, D.C., CQ Press, 2000)
- “Turnout,” dans Richard Rose et al., International Encyclopedia of Elections (Washington, D.C., CQ Press, 2000)
- “Foreword,” dans Jaap Woldendorp, Hans Keman, et Ian Budge, Party Government in 48 Democracies (1945-1998): Composition, Duration, Personnel (Dordrecht, Kluwer, 2000)
- avec Chae-Han Kim, “Cheong-pa-jeok sa-hoe han-guk-eui kwon-ryeok chip-jung/pun-san (Power Concentration/Sharing in Korea as a Divided Society)”, dans Chae-Han Kim, Pun-yeol-eui minju-ju-eui (Seoul, Sowha, 2001)
- avec Thomas C. Bruneau, P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, Richard Gunther, Leonardo Morlino, et Risa A. Brooks, “Democracy, Southern European Style”, dans P. Nikiforos Diamandouros and Richard Gunther, Parties, Politics, and Democracy in the New Southern Europe (Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001
- “Consensus Democracy,” dans Paul Barry Clarke et Joe Foweraker, Encyclopedia of Democratic Thought (London, Routledge, 2001)
- “Majoritarianism,” dans Paul Barry Clarke et Joe Foweraker, Encyclopedia of Democratic Thought (London, Routledge, 2001)
- “Australian Democracy in Comparative Perspective,” dans Marian Sawer, Elections: Full, Free & Fair (Leichhardt, N.S.W., Australia, Federation Press, 2001)
- “Voorwoord,” dans Tom van der Meer, Gapende hoogten:Het lustrumboek ter gelegenheid van het vierde lustrum van de Studievereniging voor Politicologen in Leiden (Leiden, SPIL, 2001)
- “Chung wen pan chien yen (Foreword to the Chinese Translation),” dans Arend Lijphart, Min chu lei hsiang: San shih liu ke hsien tai min chu kuo chia te cheng fu lei hsiang yu piao hsien (Taipei, Laureate Book Company, 2001)
- “The Wave of Power-Sharing Democracy,” dans Andrew Reynolds, The Architecture of Democracy: Constitutional Design, Conflict Management, and Democracy (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002)
- “Foreword: The Value of Within-Nation Comparative Analysis,” dans Adrian Vatter, Kantonale Demokratien im Vergleich: Entshtehungsgrűnde, Interaktionen und Wirkungen politischer Institutionen in den Schweizer Kantonen (Opladen, Leske und Budrich, 2002)
- “Revisiting Khizr Tiwana’s Career: Power-Sharing, Federalism and Political Development in South and South-East Asia,” dans Ian Talbot, Khizr Tiwana: The Punjab Unionist Party and the Partition of India (Karachi, Oxford University Press, 2002)
- “Prefaţă la ediţia în limba română (Preface to the Romanian edition),” dans Arend Lijphart, Democraţia în societăţile plurale (Iaşi, Romania, Polirom, 2002),
- “Foreword: Democracy versus Majority Rule,” dans P. J. Emerson, Defining Democracy: Decisions, Elections and Good Governance (Belfast, De Borda Institute, 2002),
- “Commentary,” dans Wayne A. Cornelius, Takeyuki Tsuda, Philip L. Martin, et James F. Hollifield, Controlling Immigration: A Global Perspective (Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2nd ed., 2004)
- “Foreword,” dans Michael Gallagher et Paul Mitchell, The Politics of Electoral Systems (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005)
- “Nihongoban he no jobun (Foreword to the Japanese Translation),” dans Arend Lijphart, Minshushugi tai minshushugi: Tasuuketsugata to konsensasu gata no sanjuu roku kakoku hikaku kenkyu (Tokyo, Keiso Shobo, 2005)
- “Chung wen pan chien yen (Foreword to the Chinese Translation),” dans Arend Lijphart, Min chu te mo shih: San shih liu ke min chu kuo chia te cheng fu hsing shih ho cheng fu chi hsiao (Beijing, Peking University Press, 2006)
- “Introduction: The Importance of the India-United States Comparison for Political Science,” dans K. Shankar Bajpai, Democracy and Diversity: India and the American Experience (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2007)
- “Democratic Institutions and Ethnic/Religious Pluralism: Can India and the United States Learn from Each Other—and from the Smaller Democracies?”, dans K. Shankar Bajpai, Democracy and Diversity: India and the American Experience (New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2007)
- “Foreword: The Resilience of the Welfare State,” dans Markus M. L. Crepaz, Trust Beyond Borders: Immigration, the Welfare State, and Identity in Modern Societies (Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2008)
- “Strong Ties with Heidelberg,” dans Arno Mohr and Dieter Nohlen, Politikwissenschaft in Heidelberg: 50 Jahre Institut für Politische Wissenschaft (Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2008)
- “Zokhiogchiin ug (Foreword by the author),” dans Arend Lijphart, Ardchillyn khev zagvar:Guchin zurgaan orni tur zasgiin khelber ba ilrel (Ulaanbaatar, Open Society Forum, 2008)
- “Foreword: Consensus versus Majoritarian Democracy in the German Bundesländer,” dans Markus Freitag et Adrian Vatter, Die demokratien der deutschen Bundesländer: Politische Institutionen im Vergleich (Opladen, Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2008)
- “The United States: A Different Democracy,” dans Gary King, Kay Lehman Schlozman, et Norman H. Nie., The Future of Political Science: 100 Perspectives (New York, Routledge, 2009)
- “The Early Days of the European Journal of Political Research,” dans Ken Newton et Thibaud Boncourt, The ECPR’s First Forty Years, 1970-2010 (Colchester, Essex, ECPR Press, 2010)
- “Zhongwen ban xuyan (Foreword to the Chinese Translation),” dans Arend Lijphart, Duoyuan shehui zhong de minzhu:Yixiang bijiao yanjiu (Shanghai, Shanghai People’s Press, 2013)
- “Nihongoban dainihan he no jobun (Foreword to the Japanese Translation of the Second Edition),” dans Arend Lijphart, Minshushugi tai minshushugi: Tasuuketsugata to konsensasu gata no sanjuu roku kakoku hikaku kenkyu (Tokyo, Keiso Shobo, 2014)
- “Los peligros del presidencialismo: El análisis de Linz, y otras reflexiones adicionales,” dans Mejía Vergnaud, El sistema parlamentario (Bogotá, Tierra Firme, forthcoming, 2014)
- “The Indonesian Image of West Irian,” Asian Survey, Vol.1 N°5, 1961
- “De Nederlandse publieke opinie inzake het Nieuw-Guineavraagstuk medio 1961,” Internationale Spectator, Vol.16 N°13, 1962
- “The Analysis of Bloc Voting in the General Assembly: A Critique and a Proposal,” American Political Science Review, Vol.57 N°4, 1963
- “Tourist Traffic and Integration Potential,” Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.2 N°3, 1964
- “Typologies of Democratic Systems,” Comparative Political Studies, Vol.1 N°1, 1968
- “Consociational Democracy,” World Politics, Vol.21 N°2, 1969
- “Kentering in de Nederlandse politiek,” Acta Politica, Vol.4 N°3, 1969
- “Political Science Versus Political Advocacy,” Acta Politica, Vol.5 N°2, 1970
- “Op weg naar een presidentieel stelsel?” Socialisme en Democratie, Vol.27 N°3, 1970
- “Doelstellingen van de leer der internationale betrekkingen,” Oost-West, Vol.9, N°6, 1970
- “Cultural Diversity and Theories of Political Integration,” Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol.4 N°1, 1971
- Class Voting and Religious Voting in the European Democracies: A Preliminary Report, Occasional Paper Number 8, University of Strathclyde, Survey Research Centre, 1971
- “Politieke verandering en politieke vernieuwing: Enkele kanttekeningen,” Civis Mundi, Vol.10 N°7-8, 1971
- “Il metodo della comparazione,” Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, Vol.1 N°1, 1971
- “Comparative Politics and the Comparative Method,” American Political Science Review, Vol.65 N°3, 1971
- “Toward Empirical Democratic Theory: Research Strategies and Tactics,” Comparative Politics, Vol.4 N°3, 1972
- “Hervorming van het parlement in vergelijkend perspectief,” Socialisme en Democratie, Vol.30 N°7-8, 1973
- “The Structure of the Theoretical Revolution in International Relations,” International Studies Quarterly, Vol.18 N°1, 1974
- “International Relations Theory: Great Debates and Lesser Debates,” International Social Science Journal, Vol.26 N°1, 1974
- “Kiesstelsels voor universitaire verkiezingen: Dimensies, varianten en beoordelingscriteria,” Universiteit en Hogeschool, Vol.21 N°2, 1974
- “The Northern Ireland Problem: Cases, Theories, and Solutions,” British Journal of Political Science, Vol.5 N°1, 1975
- “De paradox van Condorcet en de Nederlandse parlementaire praktijk,” Acta Politica, Vol.10 N°2, 1975
- “Hervorming van het kiesstelsel: Partijbelang en landsbelang,” Liberaal Reveil, Vol.16 N°2, 1975
- “The Comparable-Cases Strategy in Comparative Research,” Comparative Political Studies, Vol.8 N°2, 1975
- “Repliek,” Acta Politica, Vol.11 N°1, 1976
- “Fragmentaciones lingüísticas, sociales y políticas: Bélgica, Canadá y Suiza,” Revista Mexicana de Sociología, Vol.38 N°3, 1976
- avec Robert W. Gibberd, “Thresholds and Payoffs in List Systems of Proportional Representation”, European Journal of Political Research, Vol.5 N°3, 1977
- “Dutch Universities in the Seventies,” International Council on the Future of the University Newsletter, Vol.4 N°1, 1977
- “Majority Rule versus Democracy in Deeply Divided Societies,” Politikon, Vol.4 N°2, 1977
- “Emergency Powers and Emergency Regimes: A Commentary,” Asian Survey, Vol.18 N°4, 1978
- “Lingua, religione, classe e preferenze politiche: Analisi comparata di quattro paesi,” Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, Vol.8 N°1, 1978
- “The Dutch Electoral System in Comparative Perspective: Extreme Proportional Representation, Multipartism and the Failure of Electoral Reform,” Netherlands Journal of Sociology, Vol.14 N°2, 1978
- “Religious vs. Linguistic vs. Class Voting: The ‘Crucial Experiment’ of Comparing Belgium, Canada, South Africa, and Switzerland,” American Political Science Review, Vol.73 N°2, 1979
- avec Galen A. Irwin, “Nomination Strategies in the Irish S.T.V. System: The Dail Elections of 1969, 1973, and 1977”, British Journal of Political Science, Vol.9 N°3, 1979
- “Consociation and Federation: Conceptual and Empirical Links,” Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol.12 N°3, 1979
- avec Eric A. Bakker, “A Crucial Test of Alphabetic Voting: The Elections at the University of Leiden, 1973-1978”, British Journal of Political Science, Vol.10 N°4, 1980
- “Consociational Theory: Problems and Prospects,” Comparative Politics, Vol.13 N°3, 1981
- “Power-Sharing versus Majority Rule: Patterns of Cabinet Formation in Twenty Democracies,” Government and Opposition, Vol.16 N°4, 1981
- “Comparative Perspectives on Fair Representation: The Plurality-Majority Rule, Geographical Districting, and Alternative Electoral Arrangements,” Policy Studies Journal, Vol.9 N°6, 1980-81
- “If First It’s Tried in Natal-Zululand,” New York Times, 1982
- “The Relative Salience of the Socio-Economic and Religious Issue Dimensions: Coalition Formations in Ten Western Democracies, 1919-1979,” European Journal of Political Research, Vol.10 N°3, 1982
- “The Politics of Accommodation: Reflections—Fifteen Years Later,” Acta Politica, Vol.19 N°1, 1984
- “Advances in the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems,” World Politics, Vol.36 N°3, 1984
- “A Note on the Meaning of Cabinet Durability,” Comparative Political Studies, Vol.17 N°2, 1984
- “Measures of Cabinet Durability: A Conceptual and Empirical Evaluation,” Comparative Political Studies, Vol.17 N°2, 1984
- “The Pattern of Electoral Rules in the United States: A Deviant Case Among the Industrialized Democracies,” Government and Opposition, Vol.20 N°1, 1985
- “The Field of Electoral Systems Research: A Critical Survey.” Electoral Studies, Vol.4 N°1, 1985
- “Non-Majoritarian Democracy: A Comparison of Federal and Consociational Theories and Practices,” Publius, Vol.15 N°2, 1985
- “From the Fourth to the Fifth Republic—and to the Sixth? A Note on Regime Change and Regime Continuity,” French Politics and Society, N°11, 1985
- avec Peter J. Taylor, “Proportional Tenure vs Proportional Representation: Introducing a New Debate”, European Journal of Political Research, Vol.13 N°4, 1985
- avec Diane R. Stanton, “A Democratic Blueprint for South Africa”, Business and Society Review, N°57, 1986
- “Das Parteiensystem der Bundesrepublik im Vergleich: Zwischen ‘Konkurrenzdemokratie’ und ‘Konkordanzdemokratie’,” Das Parlament, Vol.36 N°37-38, 1986
- “De pacificatietheorie en haar critici,” Acta Politica, Vol.22 N°2, 1987
- “The Demise of the Last Westminster System? Comments on the Report of New Zealand’s Royal Commission on the Electoral System,” Electoral Studies, Vol.6 N°2, 1987
- Choosing an Electoral System for Democratic Elections in South Africa: An Evaluation of the Principal Options, Critical Choices for South African Society, N°2 (Rondebosch, Institute for the Study of Public Policy, University of Cape Town, 1987)
- avec Thomas C. Bruneau, P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, et Richard Gunther, “A Mediterranean Model of Democracy? The Southern European Democracies in Comparative Perspective”, West European Politics, Vol.11 N°1, 1988
- “Democratización y modelos alternativos de democracia,” Opciones, N°14, 1988
- “This Week’s Citation Classic,” Current Contents: Social & Behavioral Sciences, Vol.20 N°39, 1988
- avec Rafael López Pintor, “Alphabetic Bias in Partisan Elections: Patterns of Voting for the Spanish Senate, 1982 and 1986”, Electoral Studies, Vol.7 N°3, 1988
- “From the Politics of Accommodation to Adversarial Politics in the Netherlands: A Reassessment,” West European Politics, Vol.12 N°1, 1989
- “Democratic Political Systems: Types, Cases, Causes, and Consequences,” Journal of Theoretical Politics, Vol.1 N°1, 1989
- “The Southern European Examples of Democratization: Six Lessons for Latin America,” Government and Opposition, Vol.25 N°1, 1990
- “The Political Consequences of Electoral Laws, 1945-85,” American Political Science Review, Vol.84 N°2, 1990
- “Constitutional Choices for New Democracies,” Journal of Democracy, Vol.2 N°1, 1991
- “Double-Checking the Evidence,” Journal of Democracy, Vol.2 N°3, 1991
- avec Markus M. L. Crepaz, “Corporatism and Consensus Democracy in Eighteen Countries: Conceptual and Empirical Linkages”, British Journal of Political Science, Vol.21 N°2, 1991
- “The Alternative Vote: A Realistic Alternative for South Africa?”, Politikon, Vol.18 N°2, 1991
- “Majority Rule in Theory and Practice: The Tenacity of a Flawed Paradigm,” International Social Science Journal, N°129, 1991
- avec Giovanni Sartori et al., “Consideraciones sobre alternativas semipresidenciales y parlamentarias de gobierno”, Estudios Públicos, N°42, 1991
- “The World Shops for a Ballot Box: A Comparative Perspective on Democratization,” Political Science and International Studies, 1991
- “Democratization and Constitutional Choices in Czecho-Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland, 1989-1991,” Journal of Theoretical Politics, Vol.4 N°2, 1992
- “Explanations of Electoral Disproportionality,” International Newsletter of the Comparative Representation and Electoral Systems Research Committee, Vol.6 N°1, 1993
- “Power-Sharing, Ethnic Agnosticism, and Political Pragmatism,” Transformation, N°21, 1993
- “The Politics of Transition in South Africa: Report on a Faculty Seminar,” PS: Political Science & Politics, Vol.26 N°3, 1993
- “Democratisering en etnische conflicten in de jaren negentig,” Filosofie & Praktijk, Vol.14 N°3, 1993
- “Democracies: Forms, Performance, and Constitutional Engineering,” European Journal of Political Research, Vol.25 N°1, 1994
- “On S. E. Finer’s Electoral Theory,” Government and Opposition, Vol.29 N°5, Special Issue 1994
- The Puzzle of Indian Democracy: A Re-Interpretation, RGICS Paper N°18, New Delhi, Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1994
- avec Markus M. L. Crepaz, “Linking and Integrating Corporatism and Consensus Democracy: Theory, Concepts and Evidence”, British Journal of Political Science, Vol.25 N°2, 1995
- avec Beverly Crawford, “Explaining Political and Economic Change in Post-Communist Eastern Europe: Old Legacies, New Institutions, Hegemonic Norms, and International Pressures”, Comparative Political Studies, Vol.28 N°2, 1995
- “The Advantages of PR—for Voters and for Politicians,” PEGS Newsletter, Vol.5 N°2, 1995
- “The Puzzle of Indian Democracy: A Consociational Interpretation,” American Political Science Review, Vol.90 N°2, 1996
- “The Framework Document on Northern Ireland and the Theory of Power-Sharing,” Government and Opposition, Vol.31 N°3, 1996
- “Compulsory Voting Is the Best Way to Keep Democracy Strong,” Chronicle of Higher Education, Vol.43 N°8, 1996
- “Reflections on the First Twenty-Five Years of the European Journal of Political Research,” European Journal of Political Research, Vol.31 N°1-2, 1997
- “Trichotomy or Dichotomy?”, European Journal of Political Research, Vol.31 N°1-2, 1997
- “Dimensions of Democracy,” European Journal of Political Research, Vol.31 N°1-2, 1997
- “Unequal Participation: Democracy’s Unresolved Dilemma,” American Political Science Review, Vol. 91 N°1, 1997
- “The Difficult Science of Electoral Systems: A Commentary on the Critique by Alberto Penadés,” Electoral Studies, Vol.16 N°1, 1997
- avec Chae-Han Kim, “Hap-ui-je-wa han-guk-ui kwon-ryok-gu-jo (The Consensus Model and Korean Democracy)”, Korean Political Science Review, Vol.31 N°1, 1997
- “Disproportionality under Alternative Voting: The Crucial—and Puzzling—Case of the Australian Senate Elections, 1919-1946,” Acta Politica, Vol.32 N°1, 1997
- “Changement et continuité dans la théorie consociative,” Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, Vol.4 N°3, 1997
- “Reforming the House: Three Moderately Radical Proposals,” PS: Political Science & Politics, Vol.31 N°1, 1998
- “Consensus and Consensus Democracy: Cultural, Structural, Functional, and Rational-Choice Approaches,” Scandinavian Political Studies, Vol.21 N°2, 1998
- “South African Democracy: Majoritarian or Consociational?” Democratization, Vol.5 N°4, 1998
- The Problem of Low and Unequal Voter Turnout—And What We Can Do About It, Political Science Series, N°54 (Vienna: Institute for Advanced Studies, 1998)
- “First-Past-the-Post, PR, Michael Pinto-Duschinsky, and the Empirical Evidence,” Representation, Vol.36 N°2, 1999
- “Australian Democracy: Modifying Majoritarianism?”, Australian Journal of Political Science, Vol.34 N°3, 1999
- “The Future of Democracy: Reasons for Pessimism, but Also Some Optimism,” Scandinavian Political Studies, Vol.23 N°3, 2000
- avec Peter J. Bowman et Reuven Y. Hazan, “Party Systems and Issue Dimensions: Israel and Thirty-Five Other Old and New Democracies Compared”, Israel Affairs, Vol. 6 N°2, 2000
- “Definitions, Evidence, and Policy: A Response to Matthijs Bogaards’ Critique,” Journal of Theoretical Politics, Vol.12 N°4, 2000
- Democracy in the Twenty-First Century: Can We Be Optimistic?, Uhlenbeck Lecture 18, Wassenaar, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2000
- “Constructivism and Consociational Theory,” APSA-CP, Vol.12 N°1, 2001
- “The Pros and Cons—but Mainly Pros—of Consensus Democracy,” Acta Politica, Vol.36 N°2, 2001
- “Eurocentrism and Political Science,” European Political Science, Vol.1 N°1, 2001
- “Negotiation Democracy versus Consensus Democracy: Parallel Conclusions and Recommendations.” European Journal of Political Research, Vol.41 N°1, 2002
- “Hoe moet de Europese Unie geregeerd worden? Doe maar gewoon . . . ,” Beleid en Maatschappij, Vol.29 N°1, 2002
- “Dupliek,” Beleid en Maatschappij, Vol.29 N°1, 2002
- “The Evolution of Consociational Theory and Consociational Practices, 1965-2000,” Acta Politica, Vol.37 N°1-2, 2002
- “Europe, the European Union, and Democracy,” NIAS Newsletter, N°28, 2002
- “Measurement Validity and Institutional Engineering: Reflections on Rein Taagepera’s Meta-Study,” Political Studies, Vol.51 N°1, 2003
- “Majoritarianism and Democratic Performance in the Fifth Republic,” French Politics, Vol.1 N°2, 2003
- “Constitutional Design for Divided Societies,” Journal of Democracy, Vol.15 N°2, 2004
- “The New Institutionalism and Constitutional Design,” Perspectives on Politics, Vol.3 N°2, 2005
- “België blijft een lichtend voorbeeld,” De Morgen, 2009
- “Stemrecht, stemplicht, opkomstplicht: Inleiding tot het debat,” Res Publica, Vol.52 N°1, 2010
- “Democratic Quality in Stable Democracies,” Society, Vol.48 N°1, 2011
- avec Richard DeLeon, “Defending Ranked Choice”, San Francisco Chronicle, 2013
- “Steps in My Research and Thinking about Power Sharing and Democratic Institutions,” Taiwan Journal of Democracy, Special Issue 2013
- avec Mads Qvortrup, “Domestic Terrorism and Democratic Regime Types”, Civil Wars, Vol.15 N°4, 2013
- “Would a Parliamentary System Reduce Political Polarization?” CQ Researcher, Vol.24 N°9, 2014
- “La négociation dans les démocraties majoritaires et de consensus,” Négociations, N°21, 2014
- issue du profil d’Arend Lijphart sur le site de l’Université de San Diego,